Enhancing Employee Engagement

There is little doubt that an organization’s success is highly correlated to its ability to retain top talent and maintain high levels of employee engagement throughout the organization.

Business leaders know that having a high-performing workforce is essential for growth and survival. Organizations with highly-engaged employees routinely outperform those with disengaged employees. They recognize that a highly engaged workforce can increase innovation, productivity and bottom-line performance while reducing costs related to hiring and retention in highly competitive talent markets.

It seems self-evident, then, that companies would have a vested interest in taking every step possible to keep their employees actively engaged and committed.

But while most executives see a clear need to improve employee engagement, many have yet to develop tangible and effective ways to tackle this goal. Many organizations rely on practices of the past which can be risky at best and unproductive. Those companies who do it best aren’t recycling techniques and practices from the past but instead are truly listening to employees and watching trends to build an environment where staff truly wants to work…and thrive.

Fortunately, there are many strategies that organizations can implement to help boost engagement. This workshop offers insights into several strategies that can be easily implemented in the workplace.


  • Acquire the key skills necessary to create an emotional connect with subordinates to increase employee engagement
  • Use an innovative tool or technique to get enrolment, discretionary effort, loyalty, trust and respect from subordinates
  • Capability to inspire and empower others to take ownership of problems and make effective decisions leading toward achievement of goals
  • A greater awareness and understanding of the impact of your dynamics with your subordinates
  • An enhanced leadership ‘tool-kit’ to be more influential with your subordinates and get them to do what they would not otherwise do
  • Tapping your potential to transform yourself to become an effective people leader


  • The fundamentals of employee engagement
  • Key ways to enhance employee engagement
  • Case Study: Turnaround of ailing organisation through employee engagement
  • Contribution of motivation to employee engagement
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations
  • The two-factor theory of motivation
  • Impact of a manager’s behaviour, acts and activities on the relationships with subordinates
  • Satisfying a fundamental psychological need of subordinates that will improve engagement
  • The power of asking great questions to better understand and adapt to employees uniqueness
  • The rise of Conversational Leadership
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